hey everyone welcome back to the channel
i'm ishaan sharma and in this blog i'll be talking about the seven income sources that i have as a 19 yearold college student. really helps me out a lot and it's free so you might as well just do it but i'll be talking about how i was able to get to this place where i am right now with seven income sources as a 19 year old kid how was i able to achieve what i have done and just one thing to keep in mind is that this is not something that anyone can do it's not something that was easy i will not tell you that anyone can do it it takes a lot of hard work there might have been some luck factor involved as well i'm not saying that there was you know it was something that i did overnight it took me over 13 months to be at this position that i am right now okay so just keep this one thing in mind it's not going to be easy it's not going to be something that happens overnight but uh yeah let's just talk about all of these income sources let's get started the first one is going to be an academy right so i work at an academy as an educator and i take classes and over there basically i teach them coding i teach them python javascript and basically the full stack of development the man stack i'm teaching to kids not only kids they are in from 9th grade to 12th grade basically i'm just teaching them how web development works how python works and what you can do with python as a language and that way they're able to make better decisions in their own life so that's what my goal is i'm teaching from the last six months i think over there uh it has been a great journey i've learned a lot from teaching someone this particular concept of like whatever programming skills i've taught them so that has definitely been a great journey for me and uh i also have a lot of free classes so if you don't want to get into those paid courses you can also take a look at the the free classes you can use this code over here and you will be able to get into those free classes so yeah just take a look at that link in description to my profile on an academy but anyways moving on to the second one and this is going to be my video production that i do right so basically this is when i create a video and i edit a video for my client right so this is what i do i currently do this for geeksma geeks as well as for able jobs and you can take a look at my work over there on their youtube channel as well and this is something that i started doing quite early on i think i started doing this by august of 2020 and i've just been doing it from that particular time till now and i keep doing it every single week actually that is also something good i just need to talk about what i am interested in something that interests me something that i am also passionate about and i edit the video and i send it to them and that is the second income source now moving on to the third one right the third income source as a 19 year old this would be youtube adsense right so the video that you are just watching right now you might have seen an ad in the beginning or in the middle or wherever you saw an ad i get paid because you saw an ad on my own video right so now if you want to know what or like how much do i actually make on youtube through accents you can take a look at this video right here i talked about how much i made with 1 million views on youtube uh just take that number and multiply that by the number of views that i have right now and you'll get the answer it's basically about two dollars per cpm right so that basically means two dollar per thousand views that the ads generate then youtube will take its 55 or 50 percent cut and i get to make the rest of the money that is left uh okay moving on to the fourth one and this is going to be sponsorships right so on this channel i have been taking a few sponsorships lately i only do that because i feel that this is something interesting this is something important to you that is why i just go out there and i talk about this particular brand and i get paid to do that right now the way this happens is that they reach out to me and they're just like hey um you have this particular interest we have this product that is similar to this interest can you actually uh you know can we make like a fruitful collaboration for both of us right that's how this thing actually happens i have done about i think four or five sponsorships so far on this channel and i am really careful to do that because a lot of times people call out me and they just like bathroom and all that and i'm just like okay fine you can skip it as well right so yeah that's what i feel but moving on this was the fourth one sponsorships it's actually a good way for you to make money as a youtuber moving on to the fifth one right so the fifth one is going to be affiliate marketing i don't do it as much as i can right so i have a lot of links in the description you can take a look at whatever equipment i use to make my videos but the problem is that on this amazon affiliate thing that i am a part of they always reject my channel for some reason i don't know what the reason is but i will just sign up for amazon affiliate they will allow me to use it they will take one week to check my account to check my youtube channel and then they just always reject it it has happened for three times right now i don't know why that is but yeah i'm not making much through affiliate marketing as much as i can as much as other people on youtube are making that is definitely a big thing that i'm not able to reap the benefits of right but yeah anyways make sure that you hit the like button as well if you are enjoying this video so far and uh subscribe to this channel i make a lot of content just talking about college life earning money investing and all of that so i do a lot of those things i also have other ways that is called as reference on you know programs that i'm a part of basically how that works is that there is geeksforgeeks if you use the code ishan 10 on any of the courses on the geeksforgeeks website you actually end up getting uh 10 off for you and 10 for me as well right so that's just some commission that i get as a promoter of the products and services that i have uh that i'm an affiliate of basically right that is one then again if you were to use a shannon s10 this is a code that i have on academy you would end up getting 10 percent discount on that academy platform for the subscription that they have then you can also you know i have other ones as well i'll be linking all of them in the description you can take a look at that if you're interested um you know i also have collaboration with app stocks so basically it's just like whenever i have that link whenever you open an account using that link i get some commission right so that's how referendum works it is similar to affiliate marketing so i've just included into the fifth income stream now the sixth income stream is going to be my book sales as you can see this is my book it's called let's crush it on linkedin it's not a thick book but basically what happens is that i wrote this book back in july of 2020 and it's just out there available for anyone to buy through you know amazon and stuff so every once in a while someone just purchases this book and will get a notification that says hey someone bought your book and here's your you know part of the commission that you that amazon gets so yeah that's basically how this works i don't work on promoting this book i provide this book for free to everyone out there but for people who don't know me they end up purchasing this book using amazon but again if i want i can make way more money using this book sales i just don't want to because again i just want to provide everything as much as possible for free for people out there and again if you want to buy it if you want to support the channel it's just for about 100 rupees on amazon go take a look at it if you're interested but yeah this would be another good way for you to create assets for you right this is a good thing all right now again if you think that you cannot build a book don't worry you definitely can just start writing you will always have some topic to talk about and then you can just put that video or that book out on amazon it's completely for free i'll talk about this in another video in the future so just figure it for that but yeah this is the sixth income stream that i have as a 19 year old moving on to the seventh and the last one now this one is going to be mark it up right so if you don't already know this is a startup that i'm working on i started it because a lot of people were approaching me saying that hey i want you to work for me and work on this particular project that i have and i want you to help me grow my youtube channel or grow my social media whatever that is and i'm just like sure we can do that but i just don't have the time right so now what i've done is that i have freelancers who work with me and currently we are working with two businesses and we basically handle their youtube channel as well as their social media right so that's what we are doing so far it's going well um the revenue hasn't started coming just yet because again it's not even been like one complete month but it is definitely a positive thing that is happening and in the long run it should definitely be profitable that is the seventh income stream as a 19 year old again i tried to build another startup called as called infinity that was for people to learn podcasting right we had seven clients it was okayish it was not the best i made some mistakes but anyway that was also a way for me to create assets now for all of you who are watching this video till the very end there is this eighth you know income source that i have and that would be through investing right so basically how this works is that i invest in dividend stocks right so in dividend stocks what happens is that they pay out every single quarter or something and whatever stocks i have i get the dividends based upon how much i have invested per stock that is also something that that is sizeable and is also a good thing and again i am investing so the money that i have is growing and the money that i end up making also makes me more money which makes me even more money which makes me even more money that's just how it works with the compound interest if you don't already know just google it up it's an amazing thing out there you can take a look at at this video that i made is talking about compound interest and why it is such an important thing take a look at it if you're interested but basically that was the video i hope you enjoyed if you have any questions let me know in the comment section down below it was really hard for me to build all of these you know income sources at such a young age right so i'm definitely grateful whatever has happened to me so far and what would be happening in the future and hit the like button as well as always subscribe to this channel follow me on instagram at ishan sharmasense90 i'll see you all in the next video i make a lot of content talking about how can you earn how can you you know manage your college life studies freelancing and investing as well all of that is coming soon stay tuned i'll see you the next one bye
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