Make money online by watching YouTube videos - AMAZING FACTS



Hello Dear Readers

Hello Dear Readers

Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Make money online by watching YouTube videos

 in this Blog i will show you how to

make money by watching youtube videos

which is a strategy to earn money online

for free in this year 2021.

how to do it we are about to find out

this is how to make money for watching

youtube videos

of course you will make the most money

enjoy it in today's video i am going to be

teaching you how to earn

1 000 or more free paypal money

just by watching your favorite youtube


and that might sound hard to believe

right now but in just

few minutes we are actually going to

jump into my computer screen

and i am going to show you exactly how

this works

so that you can take advantage of this

for yourself before i explain to you how

to do this

comment down below the country you are

from in that way i will know exactly

where you're from

so in the future i can make sure that

every single video i post is meant to


so write your country name in the

comments below so don't forget i have

bonus for you in the end of this video

then make sure to stay tuned until the

end of this video

so in today's video we are going to

discuss an amazing new way to actually

take advantage of a very interesting

business model

where you can just find videos that you

are already interested in and passionate

about on youtube

and you can get paid literally just to

do that so without further to do

let's jump into my computer screen so i

can show you guys exactly how this

works but fair warning this is a little

bit complicated strategy

so don't skip around the video so make

sure that you do watch it all the way


because the truth is if you can't watch

10 minutes free video on youtube

how do you expect to earn money online

before we jump to the website let's

go to youtube and look for the most

viral and trending topics or videos in


as you see on the screen there are a lot

of viral

videos choose one of these

viral videos scroll down until you

find one of the best viral videos

for example i am going to choose this


because it got 3 million views in just

3 months



after you click the video copy the link

of the video and after you copied the


i am going to show how to use this link

to get a lot of money

so now let's jump into the website that

you will use this

viral video link in it

this is the website that we are going to

talk about today

which calls adfly adfly website is a url

shortener that rewards the publishers of

the shortened links by offering a part

of the advertising revenue

so in this website you will need to

paste the video link that you copied

from youtube to shorten it like i am

doing right now

but in the first you should create an

account in this website to get money

from it

before i show you how to sign up in this


let me show you the payout rates in

adfly website

as you see the cpm of april month

the cpm meaning is a marketing term that

refers to the cost an

advertiser pays for 1000 advertisement

impressions on a web page is illustrated

on the screen that you will earn

59.80 per 1000

person from the united states clicking

your shortened link

and 37.06 per 1000 person from canada

and also 43.46

per 1000 person from the united kingdom

and so

on the whole countries illustrated to





after i showed you the payout rates now

i am going to show you how to sign up in

this website

you can sign up via your gmail account

or you can register

via your email and choose the way that

fits you after you sign up you will go

to your dashboard

that looks like this

your dashboard will look like this after


sign up in this website from this

dashboard you will see how many people

interacted with your shortened links

the people who will interact with your

shortened link

they will watch advertisements related

to this website

and when the people on any social media


click your links you will see all the

video click statistics

in this dashboard all you will need to

do is to copy any viral

video link and paste it here to shorten


and after that paste the shortened link

on any social media platform such as

facebook instagram twitter pinterest or


and the people who will click your links

they will let you make passive income

from adfly website so guys don't waste

your time by doing useless things online

while there is adfly website that will

give you money by

copying and pasting links take the


guys to benefit from this website like

many people benefit from it

in the end of this video i wish the best

to every one of you guys to benefit from

adfly website.

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